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History and Mode of Availability

What is Ecstasy?

MDMA, more commonly known as molly or ecstasy, is a psychoactive drug that is used recreationally. This drug acts as a stimulant and a hallucinogen due to its molecular structure and can produce feelings of pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted time and sensory perception. MDMA can also cause many adverse effects such as nausea, headaches, sweating, seizures, and more. 



This video gives an overview of ecstasy and shows potential problems involved with the drug-




































Mode of Availability


Ecstasy is becoming increasingly more popular in teens all over the world and is the strongest it has ever been,

In 2014, The National Survey on Drug Use and Health discovered that more than 17 million people ages 12 or older reported using MDMA at least once in their lifespan. MDMA is most commonly sold in forms of crystalline powder and hydrochloride salt (tablet form). The powder form can be snorted and smoked, while the tablets can be ingested orally or anally. This drug is sold illegally. In addition, tablets or powders sold as ecstasy can also contain other drugs such as bath salts, ketamine, or cocaine, which can be very dangerous


To learn about ecstasy's methods of addiction, please continue reading.




MDMA was developed by a German pharmaceutical company in 1912. In the 70s, the drug became more popular as some psychiatrists believed that it promoted communication in patient sessions and allowed patients to release insights about their problems. However, the DEA declared an emergency ban on MDMA, as it was and still is understood to be a substance with no accepted medical use and has the potential for abuse. Illicit use of the drug became popular in the 80s and 90s in the United States and is most commonly used in rave culture (clubs, festivals, and parties) as well as dorms and house parties. Also, MDMA can be used as an aid religious experience.

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